Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Warming Tray

Recently we introduced a new form of art expression to the Bunnies - the warming tray. This has been a well loved practice for the children at SLC for years, but it was new to me when I arrived years ago and new to Mrs. Magee this year! We take those old fashioned electric warming trays, wrap them in several layers of newspaper and plug them in. They heat up and get warm, but not hot enough to burn fingers. We provide pieces of thin, slick paper and crayons with the paper peeled off. When the children color on the paper, the heat melts the crayons and the effect is a smooth ribbon of wax that glides across the paper with ease. You can see from the samples above that the colors and patterns are vibrant. The children enjoyed it, and we will have warming trays out many more times during the year.

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