Sunday, October 12, 2008


Dictation is a significant component of our literacy curriculum. Young children have plenty of ideas, but can't record them on paper yet. Teachers are great scribes!

Almost every week, we have a "Question of the Week" in the Bunny class. We ask each child throughout the day to answer. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Check out last week's dictation:

"What plants can you eat?"
corn; raspberries, strawberries; an orange; strawberry; peanuts; green leaves, carrots; strawberry; blueberry; salad; carrots; corn; I eat it at my house.

As you can see, we got a variety of answers. Some were direct recall from the book we read the day before (yea!) others were clearly from family experience. Sometimes we get answers we don't anticipate - that's OK, too. I frequently post the dictations in the window. Look for them!

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