Thursday, October 10, 2013

Everything Old is New Again

Remember record players?

We have several at school, and we use them for spin art.  The children put a paper plate on the turn table, turn the record player on, and hold markers so that the tips make circles as the plate spins.  The Bunnies love this and we always have a long line waiting for a turn.

Perhaps you've wondered how we introduce new and exciting experiences like this without the kids getting frustrated or intimidated (or the reciprocal: super worked up!) by the excitement and number of steps involved.   Well, we began by choosing the location wisely.  We put the cool new thing in a place where it can be heavily supervised by a teacher (in this case, the art table).  An important step is to demonstrate it ourselves.  Mrs. O'Connor demonstrated how to do it to the first few kids who were standing nearby.  Then one by one the children got verbal and visual instructions.  As each child tried it out, several others were gathered around so they benefited from the instructions, too.  As more and more children took turns, they began to learn from each other rather than from the teacher, which is exactly what we want to see happen!  Once everyone has had a turn, the exciting thing can move to a place with a little less supervision giving an opportunity for a little more independence for the children.  Independence is one of the very best self-esteem boosters!

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