Monday, October 21, 2013

Bird Art

Every now and then we try to have an art project that spans several days.  We think it gives the children an opportunity for delayed gratification and for a chance to change their plan or enhance their plan as they go.

One day the children used a koosh ball roller to paint on a paper plate.  The koosh ball gives a great texture to the paint and it looks a little like feathers.  The paper plates were super goopy so we let them dry for the week.  When they returned on Monday, we had dishes with google eyes, buttons, feathers, construction paper triangles and a few other doo dads - plus some glue.  We told the Bunnies they could use the materials to make a bird.  Below is one example.
At our school we value process art meaning that the process or journey of creating is superior to the final product.  Notice above that the owl has one feather, one beak and about 4 eyes.  We can't be bothered with silly details like how many eyes a bird should have! :)  I guarantee the Bunnies have more fun and feel more pride in themselves if they do it their way!

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