Monday, November 4, 2013

The Annual Great Pumpkin Experiment

Every year in Bunny class we have a huge pumpkin to check out.  It's a great thing to do when we are talking about the plants God created for us.  We don't carve our pumpkin.  We do something way more amazing and scientific.  Mrs. O'Connor cut the top off the pumpkin and everyone got to smell it and see the seeds and even touch all the slimy stuff if they desired.  We don't clean out the pumpkin.  We leave the seeds and slimy stuff right in there.
Then the Bunnies took turns filling the whole pumpkin up with dirt scoop by scoop.
Once it was full, they watered it.  Helpful tip: if you want to control the water your little helper gives a plant, provide a squirt bottle.

The pumpkin becomes a planter and the seeds sprout right out of the top!  It takes about two weeks so in the meantime we have lots of conversations about what might be happening under the dirt and we can observe changes once the sprouts appear.
We planted the pumpkin in the garden, but a few days later we had an unusual light freeze and our sprouts died.  Boo.

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