Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Flower Shop

During the summer, I visited our children's museum with some specific goals in mind.  I wanted to see what kinds of dramatic play they offered that might be different from what we already offer at school.  I was very excited to discover a flower shop.  I knew we could easily replicate this for school. 

When we talked about plants God made for us, the children had a flower shop in dramatic play.
They had vases, lots of artificial flowers, tissue and pipe cleaners for wrapping flowers and even some little gift enclosure cards.
A flower shop is a business so we had a cash register, of course.  The children were highly interested in the flower shop, so we extended their play to give them chances to make their own flowers.
From our wonderful school closet (room!) of recyclable and consumable materials, the children used little cloth circles intended for a "yo-yo" quilt and pipe cleaners to make their own flowers to sell in the shop.

This flowers shop was a simple way to reinforce our learning about plants and the differences between plants you can eat and plants you cannot eat.

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