Wednesday, September 25, 2013

God Made Land and Water

In our continuing efforts to learn about the world God made for us, we've spent time talking about land and water.

The children represented land and water by watercoloring coffee filters with pipettes instead of paintbrushes.
They also tried a neat activity called "pour painting".  They each had a large rock and poured paint over it to resemble a globe - land and water.
They really loved it and we had high participation in this activity.  We'll look for more opportunities to provide pour painting!  It was fun to watch the paint move and slide over the rocks.  These were entirely too gloopy, gloppy wet to send home (you're welcome, parents!) so they will spend the week drying at school. 

We also took the opportunity to learn about the properties of water by experimenting with items that sink and float.
On Monday, the Bunnies had a bucket of items and a bucket of water for simple experimentation.  We spent time with the children exposing them to the concepts and vocabulary in a very casual conversational manner.
On Tuesday, we increased the complexity by changing the items slightly and by providing sorting mats and more independence.  See how these guys tested the objects and placed them onto the mat representing each property?  By allowing the children to begin with simple exposure to the concept and then progressing to a higher level of complexity we give them the opportunity to take charge of their own learning.  Sink/float is a fun activity to do at home with things beyond the typical bathtub toys.  Try it!

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