Monday, September 24, 2012

Science - Preschool Style

There are so many important science concepts that very young children can grasp.  Discovering and labeling attributes of objects is a major one.  It's a skill children will use throughout their school lives.
We started with the attributes of hard and soft.  Seems simple, right?  We began with just two objects - a wooden stick and a cotton ball.  Each child got to have their own and squeeeeeze them as tightly as they could.  Then they decided which was hard and which was soft.  Easy!  Then we had a whole bag of objects.  Each child got one and had to decide if it was hard or soft and put it in a ring to create a set.
The photo above shows the next day when the children got to practice independently.  The blue bin on the left had all the objects.  The blue ring was for hard things and the yellow ring was for soft things.  You can see the boys are successfully sorting.  There is a wooden bead and a cork in the blue ring and a cotton ball and a sponge in the yellow ring.  Way to go, Bunny boys!

We'll do much more of this type of activity throughout the year.  Next up: sink and float.

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