Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Firetruck Fun

A big highlight of October is the annual visit with firefighters and their firetruck and ambulance.
There was much talk about hoses and water and ladders and axes and smoke. Yay!  Each year without fail, the children are AMAZED to learn that firefighters wear seatbelts!!
The children were also very interested in the "rolling bed" in the ambulance.  They all knew that an ambulance takes a sick person to the doctor very quickly.
It is always exciting to encounter our community helpers in person.  Preschoolers are a bit too young to understand the value of 911, but they are old enough to learn what to do in an emergency.  If a firefighter ever comes to them, it is important that they don't hide.  They need to jump right out and let the firefighter see them.  It's a good lesson to reinforce at home.

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