Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sorting by Attributes

Here is a March lesson that should have been an October lesson.  Sometimes it's just hard to fit in everything we need to do!
Our block cabinets were disaster zones.  At the end of each day, the kids just chucked the blocks on the shelves and closed the cabinet.  They were totally unorganized in every way, and sometimes we even had little avalanches.  
We had a whole day of block sorting.  We put three orange tape squares on the rug and one blue tape square.  Each orange square was for a specific size block and the blue square was for any blocks that didn't match the ones in the other squares.  It was a classic what-doesn't-belong set up. 
The Bunnies sorted and sorted and sorted.  They did a fantastic job!
Did you know each block has a certain name?  At the top left is the basic size called "units".  The top right shows "half units" and the bottom left shows "doubles".  On the bottom right are all the misfits that need to be matched with blocks in other cabinets.
Admire their hard work!
Can you believe three year olds did that!!
The real challenge: keeping it that way.

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