Friday, December 11, 2009

Peppermint Experiment

We did a fun experiment this week. Mrs. O'Connor explained that we would be putting peppermints in water to see what would happen. The kids had some good ideas about what would happen such as, it would float or maybe sink, it would go away, it would get wet, it would be cold. After the children generated some predictions, each got a cup and a peppermint to unwrap.
Each Bunny put their cup on the tray and Mrs. O'Connor filled each cup with water. Right away, we began to notice some changes. The peppermints floated and everyone saw tiny little bubbles. We set the tray aside while we had our music time with Miss Cruise.
After music, we checked the tray again and what a big change! The water was bright pink and the peppermints were almost gone. One Bunny suggested they melted, so we had a brief conversation about the difference between melting and dissolving. The peppermints needed a little more time in the water so we headed outside to play.
When we returned to the room, the children discovered that the peppermints were all gone! They got their cups to smell and taste what was inside. It was peppermint water! Sweet and tasty!
Is this science? You bet! We followed the scientific method - hypothesizing, observing, concluding.