Wednesday, October 14, 2009

God Created the Oceans

Continuing our learning about the world God made for us, we've spent lots of time exploring the oceans and all the creatures in them. We've had big bins of ocean animals to play with on the rug, several books about oceans with photographs of the real animals, rubber stamps of ocean animals in our office, and sand and shells in our sensory table.
We read the Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. It's a neat story about a fancy fish who has trouble making friends. He learns from the wise octopus that he needs to share a bit of himself. He shares some of his shiny scales with the other fish and in so doing, gains friends. In art we made our own rainbow fish with colorful scales and shiny (aluminum foil) scales. We also acted out the story. We listened to Aquarium and "swam" around the room. The children had two shiny scales taped to their shirts - one to keep and one to share. It was a great way to practice a really hard skill!

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