Thursday, December 4, 2008

Growing by the Minute

Want to see something amazing?

We have a boy in our class who loves (LOVES!) cars. He plays with our millions of cars in the classroom. He brings them from home in his pockets. Fortunately for us, he also draws them. And draws them. And draws them. Always on yellow paper and always with a sparkly pen.

This first photo is from late September. When we asked him to tell us about his drawing, he told us it was a car. That's how we initially learned of love of cars. Of course in this drawing it isn't obvious to the eyes of an adult what he intended. We took his word for it.

The second photo is from early October. It's clearly a car. It has wheels, a roof, exhaust, and he drew it in profile. Cool!
The third photo is from mid November. Now we have two vehicles and terrain. He has differentiated the features of the trucks - one being "big" and one being "old".
This last photo is from this week - early December. Not only is there a detailed car with headlights, but there's a witch driving the car!! He wrote some letter B's for the first letter of his name. (The alphabet on the side is a model written by an adult.) He's progressed from simple shapes to representation drawings in composition in just three months.
Absolutely amazing!!!
I can't wait for him to sit down with his yellow paper and sparkly pens in January.
Truthfully all of the children make progress just like this darling Bunny, but they don't always demonstrate it on paper for us to admire and document. He's just happened to make it very easy for us all to see how much a three year old changes over time.

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