Stone Soup is an amazing story that has stood the test of time. There are many versions of Stone Soup, but the lesson remains the same: sharing what we have makes us feel happy.
I absolutely adore Jon Muth's version because his art is spectacular. The delicate Asian landscapes offer an airy and gentle path to understanding the story.
To reinforce the lesson of the story, the Bunny Rabbit children became chefs. Each child brought an ingredient from home to contribute to the soup.
They took turns adding their ingredient to the pot. Our actions were "opening", "pouring", and "stirring".
There was so much stirring - no shortage of helping hands! We quickly realized that this soup was going to be yummy because it smelled delicious.
Oh, yes, we put a stone in the soup. It's the main ingredient after all! No worries, parents, we scrubbed it with soap before we put it in the pot. After we returned from the playground, our soup was ready and we gobbled it up! Two girls said they did not like their soup, but one of them ate her whole serving as she told me she didn't like it. Hilarious!
We used science to reinforce literacy. Cooking is science! We experienced the properties of mixtures and heat while we renacted the story of Stone Soup. It was the perfect lead up to Thanksgiving!!